The Australian Taxonomy
Community Directory
Dylan Corner

I am a Nematologist and Soil Ecologist at the Queensland Department of Primary Industries. However, my PhD was on the taxonomy, life cycles, and systematics of parasitic flatworms (trematodes) infecting marine turtles. I have transferred the skills developed throughout my PhD to the study of plant-parasitic nematodes. My work currently focuses on molecular diagnostic development, species identification, and management of nematodes affecting agricultural and horticultural crops. I have a nuanced appreciation for the vital role of taxonomy in modern science and hope to contribute where I can.

Dylan's work profile
Dylan works in the following sector(s): Other government agency
Dylan's primary institution is: Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Dylan's position is: Nematologist and Soil Ecologist

Dylan's work in taxonomy
Dylan has the following roles: Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Editing publishing and reviewing
Dylan's skills are in Species delimitation, Phylogenetics, Classification
Dylan works on the taxonomy of Nematodes, Flatworms, Meloidogynidae, meloidogyne, Root-knot Nematode, Plant-parasitic Nematodes, Tylenchida, Pratylenchus, Lesion Nematode, Helicotylenchus, Rotylenchus, Spiral Nematode, Rotylenchulus, Reniform Nematode, Aphelenches, Leaf and Bud Nematode, Foliar Nematode, Trematodes, Spirorchiidae, Turtle blood flukes, flukes, Bucephalidae
Find out more about Dylan at:

Dylan is happy to be contacted for the following reasons:

Contact from others in the taxonomy community regarding taxonomy-related issues

Contact from members of the public for advice in areas of expertise (but not for identifications)

Contact from members of the public for identifications in areas of expertise

Contact re potential citizen science projects that could contribute to taxonomic research

Contact by prospective students and others who could benefit from mentorship
Use the button below to contact Dylan for one of the reasons above. Please don't make contact for any other reason.