The Australian Taxonomy
Community Directory
Scott Cutmore
My research focuses on the systematics of two major groups of marine parasites, the Trematoda infecting teleost fishes and the Cestoda infecting sharks and rays. In my PhD studies (completed in 2011) I surveyed the rich, but mostly undescribed, fauna of tetraphyllidean cestodes in sharks of Moreton Bay, in south-east Queensland, Australia. Since graduating, I have shifted my research focus to trematodes of tropical and temperate fishes, with my current work investigating a wide range of trematode families in the Tropical Indo-west Pacific. My research integrates classical morphological taxonomy with phylogenetic and ecological data for species delineation and higher-level trematode systematics.
Scott's work profile
Scott works in the following sector(s): Collections Institution
Scott's primary institution is: Queensland Museum
Scott's position is: Senior Research Scientist and Curator of Parasitology
Scott's work in taxonomy
Scott has the following roles: Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Editing publishing and reviewing
Scott's skills are in Species delimitation, Phylogenetics, Classification, Biodiversity informatics, Genetics & Genomics, Population genetics, Biogeography
Scott works on the taxonomy of Animals, Flatworms, Trematoda, Cestoda
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Scott is happy to be contacted for the following reasons:
Contact from others in the taxonomy community regarding taxonomy-related issues
Contact from members of the public for advice in areas of expertise (but not for identifications)
Contact from members of the public for identifications in areas of expertise
Contact re potential citizen science projects that could contribute to taxonomic research
Contact by prospective students and others who could benefit from mentorship
Use the button below to contact Scott for one of the reasons above. Please don't make contact for any other reason.