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The Australian Taxonomy

Community Directory

The Australian Taxonomy Community Directory provides information about, and access to, the expertise of members of the Australian taxonomy community. There are currently 201 people in the Directory.

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xx matched your search or filter

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Caro Cardona


Research, Collection Management, Editing publishing and reviewing

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Harry Smit

associate researcher

Naturalis Biodiversity Center


Collecting, Research

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Perry Beasley-Hall

Postdoctoral Fellow

The University of Adelaide


Collecting, Identification, Research, Information Management, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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James Douch

PhD candidate

Macquarie University


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Editing publishing and reviewing

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Vanessa Ryan

Volunteer - fungi and lichen

Queensland Herbarium


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Collection Management

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Maggie Haines

Project Officer - Deep Sea Genomics

Museums Victoria


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research

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Dylan Corner

Nematologist and Soil Ecologist

Queensland Department of Primary Industries


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Editing publishing and reviewing

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Sally Fryar

Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Flinders University


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Information Management, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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Michela Mitchell

Cnidarian Collection Manager

Museum of Tropical Queensland (QLD Museum Network)


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Collection Management, Information Management, Institution Management, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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Shelley James

Collections Manager

DBCA - Western Australian Herbarium


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Collection Management, Information Management, Institution Management, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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Cayne Layton

researcher & marine ecologist

Blue Conservation Services


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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Niamh Meyler

Graduate Student

Stockholm University


Collecting, Identification, Research, Collection Management, Information Management, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication

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Shaun Winterton

Environmental Program Manager, Curator

California Department of Food & Agriculture


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Collection Management, Institution Management, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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James Buxton

Research Scientist

Agriculture Victoria


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Collection Management

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Betsy Jackes

Adjunct Professor

James Cook University


Identification, Research

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Nicole McMullen

HDR student

The University of Queensland


Collecting, Research

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Tristan J. Verhoeff

Research Associate

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery


Specimen preparation, Identification, Research

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Alex Kenins


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Information Management, Editing publishing and reviewing

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Ethan Briggs

PhD Student

The University of Queensland


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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Amay Iyer


Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology


Collecting, Specimen preparation, Identification, Research, Collection Management, Information Management, Institution Management, Editing publishing and reviewing, Science Communication, Public Outreach

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