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Australian Journal of

Review of the stiletto flies of the Taenogera genus group (Therevidae: Agapophytinae)
Shaun L. Winterton & Christine L. Lambkin
Author details ⏷
Shaun L. Winterton & Christine L. Lambkin
California State Collection of Arthropods, California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, California, USA.
Entomology, Queensland Museum, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Abstract. The Taenogera genus group represents several genera of agapophytine stiletto flies in the Australian Region, although it has been a poorly defined and with fluctuating membership since inception. Based on recent phylogenetic studies the group is redefined and member genera diagnosed. New species are described in Taenogera Kröber (Ta. memnonia Winterton sp. n.) and Taenogerella Winterton & Irwin (T. argentata Winterton sp. n., T. kelseyi Winterton sp. n. and T. villosa Winterton sp. n.). Notoxestomyza gen. n. is a distinctive new genus described here containing two species (N. joyceae Winterton sp. n. and N. wongaensis Lambkin sp. n.). Taxonomic changes proposed herein include the transfer of multiple species from Ectinorhynchus Macquart, 1850: Collessiama pyrrhotelus (Walker, 1854) comb. n., Evansomyia levis (Mann, 1933) comb. n., Sidarena castaneus (Hutton, 1901) comb. n., Sidarena cupreus (Hutton, 1901) comb. n., Sidarena furcatus (Lyneborg, 1992) comb. n. and Sidarena micans (Hutton, 1901) comb. n. Squamopygia atricauda (Winterton, 2007) comb. n. is transferred from Nanexila Winterton & Irwin, 1999a whilst Patanothrix Winterton, 2001 is synonymised with Parapsilocephala Kröber, 1912a. A revised key to genera of stiletto flies of the Australian Region and neighbouring Indo-Malayan Transition Zone is provided to accommodate multiple genera that have recently been described or revised.
Cite this paper as: Winterton SL & Lambkin CL (2024). Review of the stiletto flies of the Taenogera genus group (Therevidae: Agapophytinae). Australian Journal of Taxonomy 69: 1–62. doi: https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.qna79
This paper was published on: 8/8/2024