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Australian Journal of

The demise of Styphelia biflora (Ericaceae: Styphelieae)
A.R. Bean
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A.R. Bean
Queensland Herbarium and Biodiversity Science, Department of Environment and Science, Mt Coot-tha Road, Toowong 4066, Queensland
An examination of the type of Leucopogon biflorus R.Br. (current name Styphelia biflora (R.Br.) Spreng.) has shown that it belongs in Styphelia setigera (R.Br.) Spreng., hence S. biflora is placed in the synonymy of S. setigera. The next available name for the taxon previously known as Styphelia biflora is Leucopogon sparsus A.Cunn. ex DC. The new combination Styphelia sparsa (A.Cunn. ex DC.) A.R.Bean is made here. A lectotype is chosen for both Leucopogon sparsus and L. setiger R.Br.
Cite this paper as: Bean AR (2024). The demise of Styphelia biflora (Ericaceae: Styphelieae). Australian Journal of Taxonomy 65: 1–3. doi: https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.qbczg
This paper was published on: 18/6/2024