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Open-access, online, rapid taxonomy
ISSN: 2653-4649 (Online)

Australian Journal of 




Bothriembryon rocketi sp. nov. (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Bothriembryontidae) from the semi-arid Pilbara region of Western Australia

C.S. Whisson, A.S.H. Breure, & L.A. Kirkendale

Author details ⏷

C.S. Whisson [1*], A.S.H. Breure [2,3,4], & L.A. Kirkendale [1]

[1] Collections & Research, Western Australian Museum, 49 Kew Street, Welshpool, Western Australia 6106, Australia
[2] Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands
[3] Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, Brussels, Belgium
[4] Natural History Museum, Invertebrate Division, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom


Bothriembryon Pilsbry, 1894 is a large-bodied genus of native Australian land snail found mostly in the mesic south of Western Australia. These snails are largely absent from more northerly areas of Western Australia although an undescribed species has long been known from the central Pilbara. We describe Bothriembryon rocketi sp. nov. from the Hamersley and Barlee Ranges, the northernmost record of the genus in the country. We provide diagnostic genetic and shell morphological characters, as well as ecological notes and review internal anatomy.

Cite this paper as: Whisson CS, Breure ASH & Kirkendale LA (2024). Bothriembryon rocketi sp. nov. (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Bothriembryontidae) from the semi-arid Pilbara region of Western Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 60: 1–10. doi:

This paper was published on: 17/4/2024





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