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ISSN: 2653-4649 (Online)
Australian Journal of

Dichapetalum Thouars (Dichapetalaceae) in Australia
W.E. Cooper & F.A. Zich
Author details ⏷
W.E. Cooper[1*] & F.A. Zich[1,2]
[1]Australian Tropical Herbarium, James Cook University, Nguma Bada Campus, McGregor Road, Smithfield, Queensland 4878, Australia.
[2]National Research Collections Australia, Commonwealth Industrial and Scientific Research Organisation (CSIRO), GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.
All Dichapetalum known in Australia are described and illustrated including two new species: Dichapetalum auranticarpum W.E.Cooper and Dichapetalum cremeum W.E.Cooper. Dichapetalum australianum C.T.White is reinstated, and Dichapetalum timoriense DC. is confirmed for the Northern Territory. Notes on habitat and distribution are provided, as well as a key to the Australian species.
Cite this paper as: Cooper WE & Zich FA (2023). Dichapetalum Thouars (Dichapetalaceae) in Australia. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 41: 1–14. doi: https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.cnplf
This paper was published on: 14/11/2023