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Discovery and description of a new species of the weevil genus Stenobelus Zimmerman, 1999 (Belidae: Belinae) from southern Western Australia.
R. V. Glatz & D. A. Young
Author details ⏷
R. V. Glatz [1,2,3] & D. A. Young [1]
[1] D'Estrees Entomology and Science Services, 1669a Three Chain Road, MacGillivray 5223, SA, Australia
[2] The University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food & Wine, Waite Road, Urrbrae 5064, SA, Australia
[3] South Australian Museum, Terrestrial Invertebrates, North Terrace, Adelaide 5000, SA, Australia
The genus Stenobelus Zimmerman,1999 of the weevil tribe Belini Schoenherr, 1826 currently contains two species, Stenobelus testaceus (G. R. Waterhouse, 1839) and S. tibialis (Blackburn, 1893). Both species were described from southwest Western Australia (WA), and S. testaceus is the first weevil species described from the specimens collected by Charles Darwin in Australia in 1836 (Oberprieler et al. 2010). Now, a third species, Stenobelus minutus Glatz, sp. nov., is described from a single specimen collected 180 years later, in 2016, at East Mount Barren in the Fitzgerald River National Park at the south coast of WA. This is the first new Stenobelus to be described in 131 years. It is compared with the two previously described species, from which it most obviously differs by size, and the form of the elytra and dorsal vittae. A key is provided to distinguish the three known Stenobelus species.
Cite this paper as: Glatz RV & Young DA (2024). Discovery and description of a new species of the weevil genus Stenobelus Zimmerman, 1999 (Belidae: Belinae) from southern Western Australia.. Australian Journal of Taxonomy 80: 1–6. doi: https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.nb9ab
This paper was published on: 12/12/2024