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Four new Western Australian species related to Hibbertia axillibarba (Dilleniaceae)
K.R. Thiele & T.A. Hammer
Author details ⏷
K.R. Thiele[1*] & T.A. Hammer [2,3]
[1] School of Biological Sciences, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009
[2] Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium of South Australia, Hackney Road, Adelaide, South Australia 5005
[3] School of Biological Sciences, The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
Hibbertia axillibarba was described in 2000 as a short-range endemic species known only from South Ironcap, a semi-arid, banded ironstone hill in the Western Australian southern Goldfields. Subsequently, several specimens collected from sandplain habitats in the Western Australian wheatbelt, varying from close to, to distant from, South Ironcap, were determined as H. aff. axillibarba or H. cf. axillibarba at the Western Australian Herbarium. Close study of these specimens has shown that none matches H. axillibarba, which on current knowledge remains endemic on South Ironcap; instead, they comprise three distinct species, which are described here as Hibbertia arenicola K.R.Thiele, H. erioclada K.R.Thiele and H. elachophylla K.R.Thiele & T.Hammer. A fourth new species, H. lanulipes K.R.Thiele, is included in this paper as it is likely to be related to the others, despite being morphologically quite different from them. None of these species is widespread and some are likely to be rare and restricted.
Cite this paper as: Thiele KR & Hammer TA (2024). Four new Western Australian species related to Hibbertia axillibarba (Dilleniaceae). Australian Journal of Taxonomy 58: 1–6. doi: https://doi.org/10.54102/ajt.33kr5
This paper was published on: 24/3/2024