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Aulacus longiventris (Kieffer, 1911)

Aulacinus longiventris Kieffer 1911: 220, 222.—Kieffer 1912: 349, 355; Hedicke 1939: 25.

Aulacus longiventris (Kieffer).—Smith 2001: 272, comb. nov.; Jennings 2010 [on-line checklist]; Turrisi 2017: 933; Jennings et al. 2018: 58.


Figure 59. Aulacus longiventris (Kieffer, 1911), A, female, lateral habitus; B, ovipositor. C, male, lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Figure 60. Aulacus longiventris (Kieffer), A, lateral head; B, frontal face; C, dorsal head; D, lateral mesosoma; E, dorsal mesosoma; F, ovipositor guide; G, fore wing. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Diagnostic description.

Aulacus longiventris is a distinctive species and is easily distinguished from other Australian species based on the distinctive head shape in lateral view (Fig. 60A) with pronounced raised transverse carina above toruli, long postocular space 1.0 × eye length in dorsal view and ovipositor guide oblique positioned medially.

Female. Body size (13.5–16.1) mm, ovipositor length (16.5–22.5) mm, fore wing length (9.9–12.5) mm (Fig. 59); colouration head, antenna and mesosoma black, metasoma orange, with variable amounts of black on T4 to tip, coxa reddish-brown, fore and mid legs orange, tibiae and tarsi cream-coloured except tarsomere 5 black, hind legs orange, metatibia dark brown except, hind tarsi cream-coloured except most of first tarsomere and fifth segment black, ovipositor sheath dark brown with large cream-coloured apex, wings hyaline, fore wing with indistinct infuscation appically on 1st marginal and 4th submarginal cell (Fig. 60G), hind wing veins spectral; head shape quadrate, width (1.0–1.1) × length, postocular space (1.0) × eye length in dorsal view (Fig. 60C), raised transverse carina above toruli, malar space (0.1-0.2) × height of eye (Fig. 60A); length of scape (1.8) × length of pedicel, 1st flagellomere (1.3–2.2) × length of scape, (0.7–0.8) × 2nd flagellomere; mesosoma length (1.5–1.6) × height, mesoscutum in lateral view rounded antero-dorsally (Fig. 60D); mesoscutum length (0.8–1.1) × width in dorsal view (Fig. 60E); medial lobe rugose; ovipositor guide transverse, positioned anteriorly (Fig. 60 F); ovipositor sheath length (1.8–2.0) × fore wing length (Fig. 59); 2-Rs+M (0.4–0.5) × 1-Rs+M, three hamuli, equidistant (Fig. 60G); metasoma clavate,T1+T2 length (4.7–5.4) × width in dorsal view.

Males. Body size (13.0–19.9) mm, similar to females except coxa and trochanters black.

Material examined.

Holotype. AUSTRALIA – Victoria • ♀, "Melbourne Victoria" "Australia. R.E. Turner 1907–244” (NHMUK: 013457212) (not examined).

Other Material examined.

AUSTRALIA – Queensland • 1 ♂, Brisbane, 25.Feb.1956, I. Kerr leg. (MVMA) 1 ♂, Brisbane, 16.Jan.1957, I Kerr leg. (MVMA) 1 ♂, Cairncross National Park, 16.Apr.1965, B. Cantrell leg. (QM) 1 ♀, Goodwood, 5.Apr.1973, H. Frauca leg. (ANIC) 1 ♂, Mt Marlay, Stanthorpe, 4.Feb.1984, G & A Daniels leg. (QM) 1 ♂, 5 km N Leyburn, 27°58’S, 151°38’E, 9.Feb.1986, G. & A. Daniels leg. (QM) 2 ♂, 5 km N Leyburn, 28.Mar.1986, G & A Daniels leg. (QM) 1 ♂, Sandstone Ridge, 26 km W Fairview, 15°35’S, 144°04’E, 22.Apr.1989, G. & A. Daniels leg. (QM) 1♂, Mount Moffatt National Park, the Chimneys, 21.Nov.1995, C.J. Burwell leg. 4 ♀♀, 5 km N of Leyburn, 27’58’S, 151’38’E, 2.Mar.1986, G. & A. Daniels leg. (QM) 4 ♂, Isla Gorge National Park, 25°11’S, 149°58’E, various dates 3.Mar.1991 –3.Oct.1992, 320 m, G. Daniels leg. (QM) 6 ♂♂, Moreton Island, Mount Tempest, Hill topping, 285 m, 21.Sep.1997, J. & A. Skevington leg. (QM) 1 ♂, Isla Gorge National Park, hilltop near lookout, 25°11’S, 149°58’E, 13.Nov.1999, J. & A. Skevington leg. (QM) 1 ♀, Logan, Oct.-Nov. (AEI) 1 ♂, Maleny, Apr. (AEI) 1 ♀, Mt Glorious, Dec. 9-26, (AEI) 1 ♀, Stanthorpe, Dec., no collector (AEI). – NSW 1 ♀, Rose Bay, 6.Sep.1894, W.W. Froggatt leg. (ANIC) 1 ♂, Mt Victoria, 1.Jan.1931, A.N. Burns leg. (MVMA) 1 ♂, Lane Cove, 6.Sep.1943, no collector (AMS) 1 ♂, Mt Gladstone, 21.Feb.1969, [A.] Neboiss leg. (MVMA) 1 ♂, Mt Tomah, 29.Dec.1977, no collector (AMS) 1 ♂, Kuringga, 24.xii.1978, G.R. Brown leg. (ASCU) 1 ♂, Blue Mountains, Clarence, 19.Feb.1979, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: K245343) 1 ♀, 3 ♂♂, Blue Mountains, 3 km S of Mount Wilson, 22.Feb.1979, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: K245336–245339) 1 ♂, Near Mount Bell, 12.Mar.1979, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: K245345) 1 ♀, Blue Mountains, Clarence, 19.Feb.1980, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: K245344) 1 ♂, Angourie, 28.Feb.1981, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: 245347) 1 ♂, Blue Mountains, 7 km WE of Bilpin, 28.Dec.1981, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: K245340) 1 ♀, Blue Mountains, Mount Tomah, 12.Jan.1983, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: K245335) 1 ♀, 5 km NE Nerriga, 19.Jan.1984, L Masner leg. (AEI) 1 ♂, Blue Mountains, Mount York, 7.Feb.1984, N.W. Rodd leg., N.W. Rodd Collection (AM: K245346) 1 ♀, Sydney, no date, Deane leg. (QM) 1 ♀, 8 km S Mendooran, NSW, 31°53’S, 149°03’E, 11.Feb.1992, G. Daniels and C.J. Burwell leg. (QM). – ACT 1 ♂, Blundell's, 7.Jan.1930, G.A. Currie leg. (ANIC) 1 ♀, Black Mountain, 17.Feb.1930, L.F. Graham leg. (ANIC) 1 ♂, Blundell's, 16.Mar.1948, E.F. Riek leg. (ANIC). Victoria 1 ♀, Melbourne, 7.xii.1927, F.E. Wilson leg. (MVMA) 1 ♀, Boolara, 12.Jan.1949, A.N. Burns leg. (MVMA) 1♀, Warburton, Feb.22-Mar.1 [no year], no collector (AEI) 1♂, Langwarrin district (MVMA) 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂♂, no data label (MVMA) – South Australia • 1 ♂, Seal Bay CP, Kangaroo Island, Nick’s Track, 2.4km S South Coast Rd, 35.961333°S, 137.252883°E, 20-29.Mar.2021, R.V. Glatz leg., Malaise trap (CRG: 15372) 1♀, Vivonne Bay, Kangaroo Island, 35° 59.112'S, 137° 10.528'E, 29.Mar.2014, R.V. Glatz leg., Sweep of foliage (CRG: 12604). – Western Australia 1 ♂, Cape Le Grand National Park WA, 33°58’S, 122°07’E, 9.Jan.1987, G. & A. Daniels leg. (QM). – No location • 1 ♀, from Phoracantha, emerged 1.Jan.1905, no collector or location (MVMA).

Figure 59. Aulacus longiventris (Kieffer, 1911), A, female, lateral habitus; B, ovipositor. C, male, lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Figure 60. Aulacus longiventris (Kieffer), A, lateral head; B, frontal face; C, dorsal head; D, lateral mesosoma; E, dorsal mesosoma; F, ovipositor guide; G, fore wing. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.


This species is widely distributed across eastern Australia, spanning from Far North Queensland through New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and extending into Western Australia (Fig. 94).


One specimen has been reared from Phoracantha sp. (Cerambycidae).