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Aulacus quickei Jennings & Austin, 2018

Aulacus quickei Jennings & Austin 2018: 76.—ABRS 2019 [on-line checklist].


Figure 71. Aulacus quickei Jennings & Austin, holotype female lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Figure 71. Aulacus quickei Jennings & Austin, holotype female lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Diagnostic description.

Female. Body size 6.6 mm, ovipositor length 7.2 mm, fore wing length 5.5 mm (Fig. 71); colouration light-brown, except head with brown patch between ocelli and apex of gena, flagellomeres, most of mesosoma, metasomal T1 and ovipositor sheaths brown; wings with brown tint, infuscation of distal quarter of 1st marginal and 4th submarginal cell (Fig. 72G), hind wing veins largely spectral; head quadrate, width 1.6 × length, postocular space 0.7 × eye length in dorsal view (Fig. 72C) raised transverse carina above toruli absent, malar space 0.4 × height of eye (Fig. 72A); length of scape 1.3 × pedicel length, 1st flagellomere 1.2 × length of scape, 0.7 × 2nd flagellomere; mesosoma length 1.5 × height, mesoscutum in lateral view rounded antero-dorsally (Fig. 72D), length 0.8 × width in dorsal view (Fig. 72E); medial lobe rugulose; ovipositor guide oblique, positioned medially (Fig. 72F); ovipositor sheath length 1.3 × fore wing length (Fig. 71); fore wing vein 2-Rs+M 0.9 × 1-Rs+M, vein Cu pigmented, three hamuli equidistant (Fig. 72G); metasoma pyriform, T1+T2 length 1.3× width in dorsal view.

Material examined.

Holotype. AUSTRALIA – Queensland • ♀, “12.42 S 143.20 E, 13km ENE of Mt. Tozer QLD, 10 July 1986, T.Weir & A.Calder” (ANIC).

Figure 71. Aulacus quickei Jennings & Austin, holotype female lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Figure 71. Aulacus quickei Jennings & Austin, holotype female lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.


The species is known only from the type locality Mt. Tozer in the Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park, Queensland (Fig. 96).

