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Russula cooperiana Buyck & E. Horak var. cooperiana
Figure 10. Russula cooperiana var. cooperiana. Fresh basidiomata. a-d, Views of pileus, gills and stipe (PDD95409). e-f. view of the contrasting colour of the subcuticle layer (PDD95409). g. macrochemical reactions (Top left: guaiac. Bottom left: iron sulfate. Right: KOH on cap). h. specimen Horak (ZT68.60). Photo credits: J.A. Cooper, except h from E. Horak.
Figure 11. Russula cooperiana var. cooperiana (ZT 68.60). Hyphal terminations of the pileipellis near margin (a) and in center (b). Scale bar = 10 µm. Drawings B. Buyck.
Figure 12. Russula cooperiana var. cooperiana (ZT 68.60). Elements of the hymenium. a. Spores observed in Melzer's reagent. b. Basidia c. Basidiola. d. Gloeocystidia on sides of lamellae with indication of contents as observed in Congo red in two cells. e. Detail of lamellar edge. Drawings B. Buyck. Scale bar = 10 µm, but only 5 µm for spores. Drawings B. Buyck.
Pileus up to 90 mm diam., when young convex, sometimes more or less plane in the center, then becoming slightly depressed; margin smooth or very shortly striate; surface viscous when humid, soon dry, dull, olive- to moss-green and minutely and densely warty-punctuate from much darker dots (pointillist aspect), sometimes discolouring and becoming more brownish-yellowish in the center, peeling to mid–radius and then revealing a pinkish–purple context underneath. Lamellae shortly adnate, equal or with rare, rather short lamellulae (up to mid-radius), moderately spaced (7–14/cm at pileus margin), quite thick at the pileus attachement and with concentric anastomoses between gills, young cream coloured, turning butter yellow in age, obtuse–rounded near the pileus margin; lamellar edges even, concolorous. Stipe always shorter than the pileus diameter, mostly 22–39 x 15–18 mm, cylindrical, or slightly widening downward, minutely striate lengthwise, white but always partially with a pinkish red blush, with age yellowing in the lower half, toward the base rounded, finely felted to tomentose; the stipe context spongy and brittle, without cavities. Context whitish, unchanging, just underneath the green pileipellis a thin part of the context is pinkish orange, mauve to purplish violet, then turning yellowish. Macrochemical reactions: FeSO4 salmon; guaiac strong, bluish; KOH on pileus surface pale orange to orange red, NHOH on pileus surface nil. Taste mild. Smell indistinct. Spore print yellowish (F).
Spores shortly ellipsoid, (7.9–)8.0–8.20–8.4(–8.5) x (6.2–)6.4–6.69–7.0(–7.3) µm, Q = (1.14–)1.18–1.23–1.28(–1.32), subreticulate, when young with a network of low crests without strongly developed wrats, the latter developing only later with crests becoming then chains of well-developed cilindrical to conical warts or even spines, straight or curved, here and there still leaving low lines, some individual, low and isolated warts present but rare; suprahilar spot distinctly amyloid, often somewhat descending on the apiculus. Basidia (35–)40–50(–60) x (13–)14–16 µm, rapidly strongly clavate, rarely pedicellate–clavate, 4-spored. Hymenial cystidia (70–)100–120(–140) x (11–)13–18 µm, dispersed, emergent up to 40 µm, thin-walled, clavulate to fusiform and usually with mucronate or appendiculate tip, filled with poorly differentiated contents that are mostly more or less granular to minutely crystalline and concentrated in the upper part. Marginal cells very difficult to observe, resisting to rehydration, agglutinated in dense tufts along the entire edge rendering it probably sterile, at least some resembling the lageniform terminal cells of the pileus because of the similar capitate apex, mixed with cheilocystidia. Lamellar trama predominantly composed of sphaerocytes, mixed with hyphae and oleiferous hyphae. Pileipellis orthochromatic in Cresyl blue, two-layered, composed of a strongly developed trichodermal suprapellis covering a subpellis composed of gelatinised hyphae, 2–4 µm broad. Suprapellis arranged more or less in a palisade from pileus center to pileus margin, composed of long, multi-celled, sparsely ramifying and thin-walled hyphal endings; terminations near the pileus margin mostly composed of 4 to 8 irregularly inflated cells that are barrel-shaped, lageniform, ellipsoid or subcylindrical, (4–)6–12(–15) µm diam., few with lateral branches or outgrowths; the terminal cell often quite small, mostly attenuating upward to conical, (10–)16–34(–51) long, of similar diameter, some minutely mucronate to subcapitate and reminiscent of pileocystidia but optically empty. Hyphal extremities in the pileus center composed of less cells, these mostly cylindrical and narrow, 4–8 µm diam.; terminal cells very variable and irregular in outline, frequently repeatedly constricted, undulate to moniliformous; quite many optically empty terminal cells reminiscent of pileocystidia because of their mucronate to even appendiculate tip, and these mostly 12–36 µm long and less than 5 µm wide; some rare end-cells inflated up to 10 µm diam. and then ampullaceous to almost globose. Primordial hyphae and pileocystidia with differentiated contents absent. Cystidioid hyphae absent. Oleiferous hyphae frequent. Clamp connections absent from all tissues.
Other examined material: New Zealand. Oxford, Cooper’s Creek, 2435494E 5772008N, (WGS84 -43.255649 172.082262), in broadleaved forest under Nothofagus [Fuscospora] solandri var. cliffortioides, 10 April 2009, leg. J.A. Cooper JAC10953 (PDD95409); Nelson, Abel Tasman N.P., Rameka Track, N26 2499000 6031200 (WGS84 -40.925682 172.869573), under N. fusca, 19 Jan 2003, leg. P. Leonard PL12103 (PDD77744); Nelson, Lake Rotoiti, under N. fusca and N. menziesii, 4 February 1968, leg. E. Horak (ZT68.60)
Figure 10. Russula cooperiana var. cooperiana. Fresh basidiomata. a-d, Views of pileus, gills and stipe (PDD95409). e-f. view of the contrasting colour of the subcuticle layer (PDD95409). g. macrochemical reactions (Top left: guaiac. Bottom left: iron sulfate. Right: KOH on cap). h. specimen Horak (ZT68.60). Photo credits: J.A. Cooper, except h from E. Horak.
Figure 11. Russula cooperiana var. cooperiana (ZT 68.60). Hyphal terminations of the pileipellis near margin (a) and in center (b). Scale bar = 10 µm. Drawings B. Buyck.
Figure 12. Russula cooperiana var. cooperiana (ZT 68.60). Elements of the hymenium. a. Spores observed in Melzer's reagent. b. Basidia c. Basidiola. d. Gloeocystidia on sides of lamellae with indication of contents as observed in Congo red in two cells. e. Detail of lamellar edge. Drawings B. Buyck. Scale bar = 10 µm, but only 5 µm for spores. Drawings B. Buyck.
Differs morphologically from the new var. myrtacearum in the predominantly greenish pileus, even in young specimens, and in the pinkish flush on the stipe which also takes yellowish tinges with age. It further differs ecologically in its host association with Nothofagus species instead of with Myrtaceae and in ITS sequence data.