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Aulacus confusus Jennings & Parslow, 2018

Aulacus confusus Jennings & Parslow, 2018: 31.—ABRS 2019 [on-line checklist].


Figure 19. Aulacus confusus Jennings & Parslow, holotype female, lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Figure 20. Aulacus confusus Jennings & Parslow, holotype female, A, lateral head; B, frontal face; C, dorsal head; D, lateral mesosoma; E, dorsal mesosoma; F, ovipositor guide; G, fore wing. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Diagnostic description.

Female. Body size 9.1 (9.8) mm, ovipositor length 11.9 (11.8) mm, fore wing length 8.2 (8.3) mm (Fig. 19); colouration, head and mesosoma mostly dark brown, lateral face, gena, scape and pedicel, propleura, pronotum, fore and mid legs orange, hind leg orange, except coxae brown, metasoma orange except T1 dark brown basally, ovipositor sheaths dark brown; wings hyaline except for brown infuscation on apex 1st marginal and 4th submarginal cell (Fig. 20G), hind wing veins largely spectral, some pigmentation of Cu vein; head quadrate, width 1.5 (1.5) × length, postocular space 0.6 (0.7) × eye length in dorsal view (Fig. 20C), raised transverse carina above toruli absent, malar space 0.3 (0.4) × height of eye (Fig. 20A); length of scape 1.4 (1.3) × pedicel length, 1st flagellomere 1.2 (1.2) × length of scape, 0.6 (0.6) × 2nd flagellomere; mesosoma length 1.6 (1.6) × height, mesoscutum in lateral view rounded antero-dorsally (Fig. 20D), length 0.9 (0.8) × width in dorsal view (Fig. 20E); medial lobe with transverse carinae; ovipositor guide oblique, positioned medially (Fig. 20F); ovipositor sheath length 1.5 (1.4) × fore wing length (Fig. 19); fore wing vein 2-Rs+M 1.0 (0.7) × 1-Rs+M, three hamuli, basal hamulus separate from distal two (Fig 20G); metasoma pyriform, T1+T2 length 1.7 (1.8) × width in dorsal view.

Material examined.

Holotype. AUSTRALIA – Victoria ♀, “Port Phillip [Victoria] Coll Smith, 1879” (OUMNH). Museum label identifies the specimen as A. signatus Shk. Right antenna missing flagellomeres 6 onwards, left fore leg missing tibia and tarsus, right mid leg missing tarsomeres 4–5 and claws, left hind leg missing tarsus, left ovipositor sheath missing.

Other Material examined.

AUSTRALIA – Victoria • 1 ♀, Victoria, no other data (MVMA).

Figure 19. Aulacus confusus Jennings & Parslow, holotype female, lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.

Figure 20. Aulacus confusus Jennings & Parslow, holotype female, A, lateral head; B, frontal face; C, dorsal head; D, lateral mesosoma; E, dorsal mesosoma; F, ovipositor guide; G, fore wing. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.


This species is known from the type locality Port Phillip, Victoria and an unknown location in Victoria (Fig. 90).

