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Scorpionoides scintillans sp. nov.

Type material. Holotype male (QM S124010): Mount Glorious, QLD, -27.335711, 152.770249, 8th of October 2022, E. Yeoman, beaten from rainforest foliage.


Figure 3. Holotype male S. scintillans sp. nov. (QM S124010) (A) dorsal habitus (B) eyes, face-on (C-E) palp sequence (C) prolateral aspect (D) ventral aspect (E) retrolateral aspect. Scale bars: (A) 1mm (B) 0.3mm.

Figure 4. Female Scorpionoides spp. (A-C) S. 'cf. gloriosa' (A) dorsal habitus (B-C) cleared epigyne (B) ventral aspect (C) dorsal aspect (D-E) S. scintillans sp. nov. (QM S124011) (D) dorsal habitus (E-F) cleared epigyne (E) ventral aspect (F) dorsal aspect. Scale bar: 1mm.

Diagnosis. Most like S. gloriosa sp. nov. in the shape of the RTA, which is thinner and more elongated in S. scintillans sp. nov. (Fig. 3E). Furthermore, distinguished from S. gloriosa sp. nov. by the presence of dark, distinctly iridescent setae on the cephalothorax and abdomen (Fig. 3A). Females are like that of S. ‘cf. gloriosa’ (Figs. 4A-C), distinguished from such by the absence of an anterior epigynal hood (Figs. 4E, F).

Description. Holotype Male (QM S124010): Cephalothorax (Fig. 3A) caramel brown, with many iridescent setae. All eyes with dark borders, anterior eyes with a ring of short greyish setae. Clypeus very narrow (Fig. 3B). Chelicerae brown, short, retromargin with one large triangular unidentate tooth, promargin with at least 2 teeth, innermost tooth reduced. Endites, labium, and sternum concolorous, caramel brown. Abdomen dorsally brownish with white blotches distributed along the midline, with many small iridescent setae (Fig. 3A); ventrally brown, book lungs pale, anterior spinnerets concolorous with venter, posterior pair pale. Legs. L1 darker than all others, tarsus lighter than other segments; L2-L4 pale, almost translucent. Palp (Figs. 3C-E): Cymbium pale white. Tegulum ovoid; spermduct begins medially, circumvents tegulum. Embolus relatively short, emerges apically, with gentle prolateral curve (Fig. 3D). RTA is bifurcated, elongated and, thin, dorsal process is broadly rounded, ventral process is sharply pointed, forming a ‘U’ shaped groove between the two processes (Fig. 3E). Dimensions: TL 3.55, CL 1.52, CW 1.18, AL 1.84 AW 1.10. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.33, ALE 0.12, PME 0.04, PLE 0.12. AME-AME 0.03, AME-ALE 0.03, ALE-PLE 0.37, PLE-PME 0.19, PME-PME 0.82. EFL 0.60, AERW 0.96, PERW 1.00.

Female (QM S124011): Cephalothorax (Fig. 4D) caramel brown, darkening anteriorly, with many iridescent setae. All eyes with dark borders, anterior eyes with a ring of short grey setae. Clypeus is very narrow. Chelicerae brown, short, retromargin with one large triangular unidentate tooth, promargin with 2 teeth. Endites, labium, and sternum, brown. Abdomen dorsally brownish with white blotches distributed along midline, with many small iridescent setae (Fig. 4D); ventrally fawn, spinnerets brownish. Legs. Concolorous, pale to translucent. Epigyne (Figs. 4E, F): As in generic description, copulatory openings are situated in window between primary and secondary spermathecae receptacles; accessory gland large; anterior hood is absent. Dimensions: TL 3.36, CL 1.30, CW 0.96, AL 1.93 AW 1.02. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.29, ALE 0.12, PME 0.04, PLE 0.12. AME-AME 0.02, AME-ALE 0.02, ALE-PLE 0.30, PLE-PME 0.14, PME-PME 0.75. EFL 0.52, AERW 0.87, PERW 0.90.

Other Material Examined: 1F (QM S124011) Thunderbird Park, Mount Tamborine, QLD, -27.903240, 153.183121, 6th of April 2023, beaten from foliage, E. Yeoman. 1M Wittacork Dairy Farm, Witta, QLD, -26.716368, 152.854996, 25th of September 2021, E. Yeoman, beaten from dry rainforest/vine thicket foliage.

Figure 3. Holotype male S. scintillans sp. nov. (QM S124010) (A) dorsal habitus (B) eyes, face-on (C-E) palp sequence (C) prolateral aspect (D) ventral aspect (E) retrolateral aspect. Scale bars: (A) 1mm (B) 0.3mm.

Figure 4. Female Scorpionoides spp. (A-C) S. 'cf. gloriosa' (A) dorsal habitus (B-C) cleared epigyne (B) ventral aspect (C) dorsal aspect (D-E) S. scintillans sp. nov. (QM S124011) (D) dorsal habitus (E-F) cleared epigyne (E) ventral aspect (F) dorsal aspect. Scale bar: 1mm.

Etymology. In reference to this species ‘scintillating’ iridescent setae.

Distribution. Known from across Southeast Queensland.

Remarks. The allocation of the female to this species is tentative, based on the similarities in dorsal patterning and setation. Due to my uncertainty, the female bearing the description has not been allocated as a paratype, to allow for future correction if necessary.