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Figure 47. Aulacus gromiti sp. nov., holotype female, lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.
Figure 48. Aulacus gromiti sp. nov., holotype female, A, lateral head; B, frontal face; C, dorsal head; D, lateral mesosoma; E, dorsal mesosoma; F, ovipositor guide; G, fore wing. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.
Aulacus gromiti sp. nov. is a distinctive species that is easily distinguished from other described Australian species based on the combination of small body size, 5.1 mm, short ovipositor sheath length 0.2 × fore wing length, length of pterostigma 2.2 × height.
Female. Body size 5.1 mm, ovipositor length 1.0 mm, fore wing length 4.0 mm (Fig. 47).
Colouration. General body colour black; antenna brown; mandibles light brown; posterolateral margin of pronotum covering prothoracic spiracle with small cream spot; legs dark brown with prefemur and tarsus cream, 5th tarsomere and claw light brown; wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins brown (Fig. 47G), hind wing veins spectral; ovipositor sheath brown with cream-coloured apex.
Head. Head shape quadrate in dorsal view; width 0.9 × length, postocular space 0.4 × eye length in dorsal view (Fig. 48C); malar space 0.2 × height of eye (Fig. 48A); face reticulate; frons rugulose; vertex rugulose, rugulose-punctate around ocelli, posterior rugulose-strigate; gena rugulose-strigate; posterior margin of head slightly concave; occipital carina absent; clypeus smooth, weakly rugulose, reticulate laterally; margin sinuate; medial process present; distance from lateral ocellus to eye margin 0.9 × distance between lateral ocelli; scape 1.2 × length pedicel; first flagellomere 1.1 × length of scape; 0.8 × length second flagellomere.
Mesosoma. Mesosoma length 1.7 × height; propleuron reticulate-rugulose; ventro-lateral carina present; pronotum lacunose, pronotal sulcus carinate, anterior margin with several carinae; mesoscutum in lateral view rounded antero-dorsally (Fig. 48D); mesoscutum length 0.7 × width in dorsal view (Fig. 48E); medial lobe strigate-rugose, lateral lobes rugose; notauli carinate; admedial lines present; mesoscutellum strigate-rugulose, single depression medially; axilla and axillula rugose; metapostnotum faintly carinate, posterior margin convex; mesepisternum aerolate-rugulose, smooth patch in dorsal corner; mesepimeron carinate, smooth patch on posterior margin; metapleuron aerolate-rugulose, smooth patch dorso-anteriorly; propodeum areolate-rugose, distinct carinae towards posterior margin.
Legs. Metacoxa rugulose; ovipositor guide oblique positioned distally; metafemur length 0.8 × length of metatibia; 1st tarsomere 3.6 × length of 2nd tarsomere; 2nd tarsomere 1.3 × length of 3rd tarsomere; 3rd tarsomere 1.6 × length of 4th tarsomere; 4th tarsomere 0.7 × length of 5th tarsomere; tarsal claw 0.4 × length of 5th tarsomere.
Wings. Fore wing vein 2-Rs+M 0.6 × 1-Rs+M; vein 2r-m absent, vein 3r-m spectral medially (Fig. 48G); hind wing veins spectral; three hamuli, basal hamulus separated from distal two.
Metasoma. Shape in lateral view pyriform; T1+T2 length 1.2 × width in dorsal view; T1–T2 smooth, scattered indistinct punctures; T3 to tip imbricate, with several scattered punctures; ovipositor sheath length 0.2 × fore wing length (Fig. 47).
Material examined.
Holotype. AUSTRALIA – Queensland • ♀ “QLD: Mt. Glorious, 27°19'54"S, 152°45'29"E, 16.I.1998, N. Power, Canopy MT”, “BP455” (QM: T260273).
Figure 47. Aulacus gromiti sp. nov., holotype female, lateral habitus. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.
Figure 48. Aulacus gromiti sp. nov., holotype female, A, lateral head; B, frontal face; C, dorsal head; D, lateral mesosoma; E, dorsal mesosoma; F, ovipositor guide; G, fore wing. Scale bar = 1.00 mm.
This species is known only from the type locality Mt. Glorious, Queensland (Fig. 95).
The species epithet is in honour of a late nephew of RJH