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Matilda gamboni sp. nov.

Figure 1. Holotype male Matilda gamboni sp. nov. (A-C) habitus images (A) lateral aspect (B) dorsal aspect (C) ventral aspect; (D-G) palp sequence, orientation from prolateral to retrolateral.

Diagnosis. Distinguished from Matilda australia Forster, 1988 by the shape of the paracymbium and retromedian process. In ventral orientation the RMP is distinctly bifid, comprised of a distal and proximal process, the proximal process is shorter than the distal process and somewhat rounded, the distal process is triangular, ‘claw-like’, both processes are separated by a ‘U’ shaped invagination and directed retrolaterally (Fig. 1F). The paracymbium is also bifid, in ventral orientation it is comprised of a ventral and dorsal process, both bluntly rounded (Fig. 1F), sharper in retrolateral aspect (Fig. 1G). Contrastingly, M. australia Forster, 1988 possesses a distally inclined spine-like RMP and a blunt scoop-like paracymbium (Griswold, 2001; figs. 27A, C-D, 28A-B).

Description. Holotype male: Dimensions: TL: 1.72. CL 0.76, CW 0.73; AL 1.33, AW 1.09. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.07, PLE 0.07, PME 0.06; AME-AME 0.03, AME-ALE 0.06, ALE-PLE <0.01, PLE-PME 0.08, PME-PME 0.10. Cephalothorax brownish, pars cephalica raised, clypeus without modifications. Sternum pustulate. Abdomen dorsally blackish, clothed in many long setae, scute large; ventrally brown, scutes present around spinnerets and pedicel, darker than cuticle. Palps (Figs. 1D-G). The general structure of the tegulum conforms to the description of M. australia, see Griswold (2001). In ventral aspect the RMP is splayed distally from bulb, claw-like diRMP largest, apex hooked, directed proximally, pRMP is ca. half the length of the diRMP, apex rounded (Fig. 1F); in retrolateral aspect the diRMP apex is bluntly rounded, pRMP apically thickened (Fig. 1G). PCy basally swollen, incised distally to form two apices (Fig. 1G); ventral process curves distally, apex rounded in ventral aspect, sharper in retrolateral aspect; smaller, shorter dorsal process emerges from behind ventral process (Figs. 1F, G).

Figure 1. Holotype male Matilda gamboni sp. nov. (A-C) habitus images (A) lateral aspect (B) dorsal aspect (C) ventral aspect; (D-G) palp sequence, orientation from prolateral to retrolateral.

Etymology. In honour of the late Sir Michael Gambon.

Distribution. Known only from a single specimen from the type locality, Glenmorgan, Queensland.