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Kwonkan procul Harvey, Wilson & Rix, sp. nov.
ZooBank LSID:


AUSTRALIA: South Australia: ♂, Quinyambie Station, 7.5 km SSE. of Coonanna Bore, 29°54’39”S, 140°47’42”E, open shrubland, Acacia ligulata over Brassica & Crotalaria eremaea, 27 October–1 November 2008, Waterhouse Survey (SAM NN30453).


AUSTRALIA: South Australia: 2 ♂, collected with holotype (SAM NN29034, NN30452).



Males of Kwonkan procul differ from K. currycomboides and K. linnaei by the lack of cuspules on coxae III and IV (Figure 20); from K. eboracum, K. goongarriensis, K. moriartii and K. silvestris by the more elongate pedipalpal tibia (Figures 29–31); from K. dissitus and K. seductus by the more acutely angled ventral spur and megaspine on tibia I (Figures 33, 34), and the thinner, straighter embolus (Figures 29–31) as opposed to the thicker gradually-curving emboli of those species.

Figures 19–35. Kwonkan procul Harvey, Wilson & Rix, sp. nov., male holotype (SAM NN30453): 19, cephalothorax, dorsal; 20, cephalothorax, ventral; 21, eyes, dorsal; 22, fovea, dorsal; 23, sternum, ventral; 24, abdomen, dorsal; 25, abdomen, ventral; 26, left sigillae, ventral; 27, left maxilla, ventral; 28–31, left pedipalp: 28, prolateral; 29, tibia and tarsus, prolateral; 30, tibia and tarsus, ventral; 31, tibia and tarsus, retrolateral; 32–35, left leg I: 32, prolateral; 33, tibia, prolateral; 34, tibia, retrolateral; 35, metatarsus, prolateral. Scale bars = 2.0 mm.

Description (male holotype, SAM NN30453)

Medium-large anamid spider (total body length 13.5).

Colour (in alcohol): Carapace dark red-brown with darker markings in cephalic region (Figure 19); legs brown, some segments with longitudinal pale stripes, tarsi paler; chelicerae uniformly dark red-brown (Figure 19); abdomen dorsally grey-brown (Figure 24), and ventrally pale creamy-yellow (Figure 25).

Cephalothorax: Carapace (Figure 19) 1.19 x longer than broad; densely pilose; silver setae present; with brown bristles dorsally; clypeal edge straight. Fovea (Figure 22) slightly procurved. Eyes (Figure 21): on distinct mound; from above, anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior eye row nearly straight; AME about same size as ALE; ALE and AME the largest; PME smallest; eye group length 0.5, width 1.1. Chelicerae (Figure 19) densely setose with black bristles and silver setae; rastellum absent; promargin of tooth row with 10 teeth, retromargin with 4 teeth. Labium (Figure 23) fused to sternum, without cuspules. Maxillae (Figure 27) with ca. 110 cuspules; located on the basal half. Maxillae noticeably darker than coxae I–IV (Figure 20). Sternum (Figure 23): oval; 1.28 x longer than broad; bristles sparsely over entire surface; with 3 pairs of sigilla (Figure 26), each pair increasing in size from anterior to posterior; posterior pair elongate and slightly curved or anterior pair located near edge of sternum.

Pedipalp (Figures 28–31): Tibia cylindrical, narrow, asetose depression absent; tarsus short; densely setose; bulb ovoid; embolus slightly longer than bulb and gently curved.

Legs: Coxal cuspules absent (Figure 20). Tibia I with large megaspur (Figures 33, 34); TIL/TID 4.24; TIS/TIL 0.61; TISH/TID 0.47; metatarsus incrassate; MIL/MID 7.33; MIPEL/MIL 0.40; scopula present on all tarsi, absent on metatarsi, trichobothria: tibia with numerous trichobothria in 2 rows, metatarsi with several trichobothria; tarsi with numerous trichobothria, claws: with 2 rows of teeth; claw tufts absent. Dimensions (mm): Femur I 6.8; tibia I 4.9; metatarsus I 5.5; II 6.5; III 5.9; IV 7.6.

Abdomen (Figures 24, 25): 1.53 x longer than broad; densely pilose with bristles. Spinnerets: AMS short; ALS long.

Dimensions (mm): Total body length (with chelicerae, but excluding spinnerets) 13.5. Carapace length 6.4; width 5.4. Sternum length 3.2; width 2.5. Abdomen length 6.1; width 4.0.

Variation: N= 2; carapace length: min 6.0; max 6.4; width: min 5.0; max 5.6; femur I length: min 6.3; max 6.8; metatarsus I length: min 4.8, max 5.5; femur IV length: min 6.4; max 7.8.


Kwonkan procul has been collected from a single location in north-eastern South Australia (Figure 1), which is located in the Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields bioregion.


The species epithet is an adverb that refer to the presence of this species in north-eastern South Australia (procul, Latin, far but within sight) (Brown, 1956).
