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Alistra andersoni sp. nov.

Type Material. Holotype male: QUEENSLAND: Chermside Hills Reserve, -27.3760938, 152.9984409, Chermside West, 7th of April 2023, E. Yeoman. Paratype female: same details as holotype.


Diagnosis. Males are most like A. seanlocki sp. nov. and A. hippocampa Zhang, Li & Zheng, 2011 (see Figs. 3A-C, 4D-F; Zhang, Li & Zheng, 2011) in the general structure of the palp. Distinguished from both aforementioned species by the RTA which is not splayed distally from the cymbium and palpal tibia and by the PA, which is blunt, basally situated and proximally directed. Females are most like A. seanlocki sp. nov., distinguishable by the insemination ducts which have a distinct bend in the posterior portion before joining to spermathecae antero-laterally (as opposed to more laterally in A. seanlocki sp. nov.).

Description. Holotype male. Measurements. TL: 1.18. AL 0.61, AW 0.48; CL 0.57, CW 0.46; SL 0.36, SW 0.37; LL 0.08, LW 0.11; ML 0.15, MW 0.16; AMS 0.10 (0.10), ALS 0.15 (0.15), PLS 0.21 (0.18). Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.03, PME 0.03, ALE 0.04, PLE 0.04; AME-AME 0.03, AME-ALE 0.01,’]- ALE-PLE 0.01, PME-PME 0.05, PME-PLE 0.03. AERW: 0.18; PERW: 0.20. Cephalothorax brown with dark striations radiating from foveal region. Eyes all with dark borders, in dorsal aspect PER appears procurved, AER straight to slightly recurved. Abdomen dorsally brownish black with white paler chevrons beginning medially and descending to spinnerets; ventrally dark with pale central spot, spinnerets dark. Sternum broadly shield-shaped, brown, concolorous with labium and maxillae; maxillae with keel of small denticles on anterior edge, with weak serrula. Chelicerae yellowish, retromargin and promargin each with 2 teeth. Pedipalp. Cymbium unmodified. Tegulum circular. Embolus emerges prolaterally and terminates retrolaterally, apex supported by ovoid median apophysis. RTA small, fin-like, slightly dorsally inclined at ca. 40° angle in ventral aspect, terminates bluntly. PA small blunt outgrowth.

Paratype female. Measurements. TL: 1.27. AL 0.68, AW 0.47; CL 0.57, CW 0.44; SL 0.35, SW 0.35; LL 0.07, LW 0.10; ML 0.15, MW 0.15; AMS 0.09 (0.09), ALS 0.15 (0.14), PLS 0.15 (0.18). Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.03, PME 0.04, ALE 0.05, PLE 0.04; AME-AME 0.01, AME-ALE 0.01, ALE-PLE 0.01, PME-PME 0.05, PME-PLE 0.02. AERW: 0.17; PERW: 0.20. Cephalothorax, abdomen, sternum, labium, maxillae, and chelicerae as in male. Epigyne. Simple, as in A. seanlocki sp. nov. except posterior portion of ID with distinct bend, joins to spermathecae more anteriorly.

Etymology. In honour of arachnologist Dr Greg Anderson

Distribution. Known only from the type locale, Chermside Hills Reserve, Brisbane.

Natural History. The type series was collected whilst vegetation beating adjacent to a dry creek bed.