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Type material. Holotype male (QM S124009): Mount Glorious, QLD, -27.328491, 152.767522, 23rd of April 2021, E. Yeoman, beaten from rainforest foliage.
Figure 2. Holotype male S. gloriosa sp. nov. (QM S124009) (A) dorsal habitus (B) leg I, prolateral aspect (C-E) palp sequence, (C) prolateral aspect (D) ventral aspect (E) retrolateral aspect (F) eyes, face-on (G) habitus, lateral aspect. Scale bars: (A, G) 1mm (F) 0.3mm.
Diagnosis. Most like S. scintillans sp. nov. in the general shape of the RTA, it can be distinguished from such by the length of the RTA and embolus relative to the tegulum and cymbium, both of which are shortened, comparatively (Fig. 2D, E). Further distinguished by the reduced total length, basally expanded RTA (Fig. 2E), absence of any obvious iridescent setae on the abdomen or cephalothorax (present, but far less obvious than in S. scintillans sp. nov.), and the orange somatic colouration (Fig. 2A) (brownish in S. scintillans sp. nov.; Fig. 3A).
Description. Holotype Male (QM S124009): Cephalothorax (Fig. 2A) bright orange, iridescent setae present but inconspicuous. All eyes with dark borders, anterior eyes with a ring of short grey setae. Clypeus very narrow (Fig. 2F). Chelicerae orange, short, retromargin with one unidentate tooth, promargin with 2 teeth, innermost tooth reduced to a small granule. Endites, labium, and sternum concolorous, orangish brown. Abdomen dorsally greyish-orange with a pale cream blotch situated posteriorly along the midline (Fig. 2A); ventrally fawn, darker around margins, book lungs pale, spinnerets brownish. Legs. L1 darker than all others, tarsus lighter than other segments; L2-L4 fawn, slightly translucent. Palp (Figs. 2C-E): Cymbium pale yellowish. Tegulum spherical, bulbous; spermduct begins medially, circumvents tegulum. Embolus is very short, emerges apically, prolaterally inclined (Fig. 2D). RTA short, bifurcated, dorsal process broadly rounded, ventral process tapers to a small rounded apex, forming āUā shaped groove between the two processes (Fig. 2E). Dimensions: TL 2.87, CL 1.36, CW 1.09, AL 1.49, AW 0.89. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.30, ALE 0.13, PME 0.04, PLE 0.11. AME-AME 0.02, AME-ALE 0.02, ALE-PLE 0.35, PLE-PME 0.19, PME-PME 0.77. EFL 0.58, AERW 0.85, PERW 0.93.
Female: Unknown.
Figure 2. Holotype male S. gloriosa sp. nov. (QM S124009) (A) dorsal habitus (B) leg I, prolateral aspect (C-E) palp sequence, (C) prolateral aspect (D) ventral aspect (E) retrolateral aspect (F) eyes, face-on (G) habitus, lateral aspect. Scale bars: (A, G) 1mm (F) 0.3mm.
Etymology. In reference to the type locality, Mt Glorious.
Distribution. Known only from the type locality, though a female specimen appearing very similar to S. gloriosa (S. cf. gloriosa; Figs. 4A-C) has been recorded from Bellthorpe, North of Brisbane.