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Anacolosa australis W.E.Cooper

Type: Australia: Queensland. Cook District: Wattle Hills, 11 November 2021, W. Cooper 2931, R. Jensen & F. Zich (holo: CNS 154125 [2 sheets + spirit], iso: BRI, CANB, K, L, LAE, MO, NSW, SING).

Anacolosa sp. George (1984).

Anacolosa papuana Qld Herbarium 1981–82; Cooper & Cooper (2004:376); CHAH (2006); Zich et al (2020).

Anacolosa sp. 1 (Chester River) Briggs & Leigh (1988).

Anacolosa sp. Chester River (B.Hyland 9472) Thomas & McDonald (1987) & (1989).


Fig. 1. A. Anacolosa australis: A. Glomerulate inflorescence with sessile buds and immature fruit showing a quickly expanding disk rim which eventually encloses the drupe. B. Flower at anthesis A & B (Cooper 2829 [CNS]). Photos: F. Zich.

Fig. 2. Anacolosa australis: A. Fruit showing furfuraceous apex and deeply recessed disk rim. B. Fruit C. Fruit cross-section. D. Seed. E. Fruit showing scurfy apex, deeply recessed disk rim and stigma. Anacolosa papuana: F. Fruit showing glabrous surface, disk rim and stigma + flush with fruit apex; G. Fruit lateral view showing disk rim and stigma + flush with fruit apex. A. (Jensen 807 [CNS]). B, C & D. (Sankowsky 1472 [CNS]) E. (Murphy 1 [CNS]). Artwork: A, B, C & D, W.T.Cooper. Photo: E. W. Cooper; F & G. (Galore & Vandenberg NGF 41098[L.1665272]). Scans: F & G, F. Loggen (L).

Diagnosis. Anacolosa australis is similar to Anacolosa papuana, differing in the inflorescence being a glomerule (v. fascicle); flowers sessile or nearly so on peduncles up to 0.3 mm long (v. peduncles 1–4 mm long); flowers c. 5 mm long and 2.5 mm wide (v. c. 2.5 mm long and 1.25 mm wide); calyx cupular (v. salver-shaped); filament length 1–2 mm (v. 0.3 mm); anther length 0.8–1 mm (v. 0.5); ovary sessile (v. peduncle c. 0.25 mm long); fruiting peduncle length c. 1.5 mm (v. 2–7 mm); ovary hemispherical (v. ovoid); fruit obovoid, 32–46 mm long, diameter 30–36 mm (v. globose or slightly obovoid, 12–22 mm long, diameter 9.5­–20 mm); fruit apex furfuraceous in a broad + circular patch spreading out from the disk rim with a diameter 10–12.5 mm (v. glabrous or rarely a narrow furfuraceous circle up to 5 mm diameter); disk rim diameter c. 1.5 mm and distinctly recessed by 34 mm with the stigma well below the rim (v. diameter 1.5–4 mm and ­+ flush with fruit surface with the stigma protruding beyond fruit apex for up to c. 0.5 mm).

Small tree to 7 m, monoecious; buttresses absent; bark grey-brown with numerous lenticels mostly in vertical lines with older stems becoming tessellated; twigs zig-zagged, glabrous; stipules caducous, broadly triangular, c. 0.5 mm long and wide, margins ciliate. Leaves opposite, simple; petioles shallowly grooved in dried specimens, 3.5–8 mm long, glabrous; lamina broadly elliptical, 53–145 mm long and 13–72 mm wide, discolourous, membraneous, glabrous, minutely tubercled abaxially, numerous oil dots visible with a lens; base obtuse, rounded, subcordate, cuneate, attenuate or decurrent; apex narrowly obtuse or acute, entire (although very young leaves have minutely ciliate margins); venation brochidodromous; primary vein sunken on adaxial surface; secondary veins 4 or 5 pairs, angle of divergence from primary vein 60–80º, forming loops 2–4 mm from margin, flush with adaxial surface, raised abaxially; tertiary veins reticulate; numerous small oil dots visible with a lens. Inflorescence an axillary glomerule or fascicle, 3–7-flowered; bracts several, clustered at peduncle bases and persistent well after inflorescences have dehisced, broadly ovate. Flowers not fragrant, urceolate, c. 5 mm long and 2.5–3.5 mm diam.; peduncle indistinct, up to 0.3 mm long; calyx cupular or cone-shaped, c. 3 mm long and diameter 1.5–2 mm, scurfy abaxially and glabrous adaxially, apex subtruncate or 6- or 7-lobed, scurfy towards apex, green; petals 5–7, triangular, connate at base and inserted on cupular disk, 2–3 mm long, fleshy, abaxially papillate, adaxially clothed in minute hairs which intermingle with much longer hairs in the centre towards base of free section, cream or yellow, apex acute; disk accrescent, cupular, c. 0.7 mm high, glabrous, soon expanding around ripening ovary; stamens 5–7; filaments strap-shaped, connate or free, 1–2 mm long, upper section papillate; anthers 2-loculed, globose, 0.8–1 mm long, adaxially tufted with hairs; ovary sessile, connate with disk, c. 1.7 x 1.7 mm (including style), hemispherical with the style beak-like to c. 0.7 mm long; ovules two; stigma sessile. Fruiting peduncle c. 2 mm long. Fruit a drupe, enclosed within an expanded disk that completely encloses the ovary, obovoid, 32–46 mm long and diameter 30–36 mm, bright red; epicarp shiny and glabrous except for furfuraceous apex; disk rim at apex narrowly recessed by 3–4 mm, disk rim diameter c. 1.5 mm; style persistent at base of recess, c. 0.5 mm long; mesocarp 7– 8 mm thick, palest pink or cream coloured; seed solitary, endocarp ellipsoid or obovoid, 20–22 mm long and 17–19 mm wide, woody and sculptured with irregular longitudinal ribs.

Other specimens examined: Australia: Rocky River, Silver Plains, Nov 1996, Jensen 807 (CNS); Rocky River crossing, Silver Plains, June 1992, Sankowsky 1330 (CNS); Rocky River crossing, July 1996, Jensen 794 (CNS); Rocky River, Silver Plains, eastern fall of McIlwraith Range, June 1995, Forster PIF17036 (BRI) i.d.v.; Rocky River crossing, June 1995, Sankowsky 1472 (CNS); Rocky River Scrub, Silver Plains Station, June 1992, Forster PIF10554, Sankowsky & Tucker (BRI) i.d.v; Chester River, July 1977, Hyland 9472 (CNS); Return Creek S of Lockhart on Old Mission Road, Nov 2012, Gray 9541, Walker, Aland & Dean (CNS); Middle Claudie River, Iron Range, Dec 2001, Murphy 1, Legge & Heinsohn (CNS); Wenlock River, Piccaninny Plains Wildlife Sanctuary, Nov 2008, Jensen 1688 & Nicholson (BRI); Wattle Hills, Nov 2021, Cooper 2829, Addicott & Zich (CNS).

Fig. 1. A. Anacolosa australis: A. Glomerulate inflorescence with sessile buds and immature fruit showing a quickly expanding disk rim which eventually encloses the drupe. B. Flower at anthesis A & B (Cooper 2829 [CNS]). Photos: F. Zich.

Fig. 2. Anacolosa australis: A. Fruit showing furfuraceous apex and deeply recessed disk rim. B. Fruit C. Fruit cross-section. D. Seed. E. Fruit showing scurfy apex, deeply recessed disk rim and stigma. Anacolosa papuana: F. Fruit showing glabrous surface, disk rim and stigma + flush with fruit apex; G. Fruit lateral view showing disk rim and stigma + flush with fruit apex. A. (Jensen 807 [CNS]). B, C & D. (Sankowsky 1472 [CNS]) E. (Murphy 1 [CNS]). Artwork: A, B, C & D, W.T.Cooper. Photo: E. W. Cooper; F & G. (Galore & Vandenberg NGF 41098[L.1665272]). Scans: F & G, F. Loggen (L).

Phenology. Flowers have been recorded in June, July and November. Fruiting has been recorded from June to January.

Distribution and habitat. Anacolosa australis occurs in mesophyll rainforest and semi-deciduous gallery forest on Cape York Peninsula from the Rocky River on the eastern slopes of McIlwraith Range to the northern banks of the Pascoe River on Wattle Hills at altitudes from near sea level to c. 50 m.

Anacolosa australis occurs with Aglaia euryanthera Harms, Aleurites moluccanus (L.) Wild., Archontophoenix tuckeri Dowe, Buchanania arborescens (Blume) Blume, Calophyllum australianum F.Muell. ex Vesque, Castanospermum australe A.Cunn. & Fraser ex Hook., Corymbia tessellaris Benth., Decaisnina hollrungii (K.Schum.) Barlow, Donella lanceolata (Blume) Aubrév., Endiandra longipedicellata C.T.White & W.D.Francis, Ficus albipila (Miq.) King, Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz, Garcinia warrenii F.Muell., Myristica insipida R.Br., Nauclea orientalis (L.) L., Planchonella chartacea (F.Muell. ex Benth.) H.J.Lam, Pongamia pinnata var. minor (Benth.) Domin and Syzygium bamagense B.Hyland.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin australis (southern), referring to the distribution of the species.

Notes. Anacolosa australis differs most noticeably from A. papuana in fruit size, shape and apex. The disk rim at the fruit apex is deeply recessed and scurfy in a broad area whereas in A. papuana it is flush with the apex, rarely with a narrow scurfy ring.

Fruits in Anacolosa, as well as other members of the Aptandraceae, possess a floral disk which, from the time of anthesis, is accrescent and quickly expands to surround the ovary and eventually the entire mature drupe.