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Heterodontonyx tuberculatus (Smith, 1855)

Pompilus tuberculatus Smith, 1855:166. Type data: type BMNH, female. Type locality: Western Australia (as New Holland (Houtman's Abrolhos, W. Coast)); Froggatt, 1892:214 [cat.]. Priocnemis tuberculatus (Smith, 1855) comb. nov. Eliot, 2007:30[cat.] Cryptochilus (Prionocnemis) tuberculatus Schulz, 1908:471 [comb. nov., descr., dist.]. Salius Tuberculatus Tillyard, 1926:292 [note].


Figure 11. (a-c) Heterodontonyx tuberculatus female non-type (a) dorsal view (b) head, frontal view (c) lateral view, left side (d) male, non-type, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1mm.

Diagnosis (modified from Smith, 1855)

Length 20-40mm; colour black and orange; body heavily covered with setae, head of a female entirely orange, head of male orange except for a black band as wide as ocellar triangle passing through ocelli and reaching compound eyes; propodeum with two distinct tubercles; the second metasomal segment orange, without an apical black band.


Colouration. Head orange yellow except for the end of the mandible which is dark; mesosoma black; tibiae and tarsi orange, femora black basally, orange apically; first metasomal segment black, second metasomal segment onward orange; wings yellow-orange, with a narrow apical darkening.

Head. Head wider than long, TFD/FD = 1.18; posterior ocelli closer to each other than to the compound eye, POL: OOL = 0.68; frons with the median line reaching median ocellus; apical margin of clypeus straight; clypeus medium, clypeus

length: width = 2; labrum on same plain as clypeus slightly exposed beneath; malar space very short, almost non-existent; first flagellar segment clearly longer than the second.

Mesosoma. Setose; pronotum relatively short, with a median line, its posterior margin angulate; metanotum knobbed; metapostnotum suppressed; propodeum wrinkled across with a median line, tuberculate; the dorsal edge of the hind tibia with spine-bearing serration; tarsal claws dentate.

Metasoma. Metasoma with fewer setae than mesosoma, softly punctate, pygidium covered by short, golden setae, metasoma 1.15x the length of mesosoma.


Similar to females except for differences described here: inter-ocellar line containing ocelli black; clypeus slightly longer with labrum more exposed beneath; first flagellar segment slightly longer than the second; hind tibiae without serration with short spines; tarsal claws bifid; body size smaller.

Figure 11. (a-c) Heterodontonyx tuberculatus female non-type (a) dorsal view (b) head, frontal view (c) lateral view, left side (d) male, non-type, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1mm.

Distribution WA. New records: Qld., NT, SA, NSW, PNG

Material examined


The holotype is female and kept in BMNH with accession number: 185510577164. The specimen is in fair condition; antennae tips and right hind tarsus are broken.