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Type material. Holotype male (QM S124012): Mount Glorious, QLD, -27.326964, 152.767184, 5th of February 2023, E. Yeoman, beaten from rainforest foliage.
Figure 5. Holotype male S. nugentae sp. nov. (QM S124012) (A) dorsal habitus (B) eyes, face-on (C-E) palp sequence (C) prolateral aspect (D) ventral aspect (E) retrolateral aspect. Scale bars: (A) 1mm (B) 0.3mm.
Diagnosis. Easily distinguished from all other species by the shape of the RTA, with both dRTA and vRTA being sharply pointed, as opposed to rounded or quadrate. Furthermore, by the groove between the two processes being ca. over 2/x/ the width of each process at the widest point.
Description. Holotype Male (QM S124012): Cephalothorax (Fig. 5A) dark brown, 2 lighter brown lines beginning alongside the inner margin of PLE, terminating at the posterior edge of cephalothorax; with many obvious iridescent setae. All eyes with dark borders, anterior eyes with a ring of short golden setae. Clypeus very narrow (Fig. 5B). Chelicerae brown, short, retromargin with one unidentate tooth, promargin with 2 teeth. Endites, labium, and sternum concolorous, brown. Abdomen dorsally dark brown, with 2 faint light brown lines beginning at the anterior edge of the abdomen, merging into one line at ca. halfway point, and with one transverse band at the end of the longitudinal band, the entire dorsum is clothed in many iridescent setae (Fig. 5A); ventrally brown, book lungs pale, spinnerets brown. Legs. L1 very dark chocolate brown; L2-L4 fawnish, slightly translucent. Palp (Figs. 5C-E): Cymbium dark greyish. Tegulum ovoid; spermduct begins medially, circumvents tegulum. Embolus emerges prodistally, relatively short, and straight, retrolaterally inclined (Fig. 5D). RTA large, forked, sharply pointed, vRTA ca. 1/2 length of dRTA. (Fig. 5E). Dimensions: TL 2.76, CL 1.38, CW 1.07, AL 1.33 AW 1.01. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.29, ALE 0.14, PME 0.04, PLE 0.12. AME-AME 0.02, AME-ALE 0.02, ALE-PLE 0.31, PLE-PME 0.14, PME-PME 0.78. EFL 0.55, AERW 0.88, PERW 0.92.
Female: Unknown.
Other Material Examined: 1M Mount Mee, QLD, 22nd of January 2016, R. Whyte.
Figure 5. Holotype male S. nugentae sp. nov. (QM S124012) (A) dorsal habitus (B) eyes, face-on (C-E) palp sequence (C) prolateral aspect (D) ventral aspect (E) retrolateral aspect. Scale bars: (A) 1mm (B) 0.3mm.
Etymology. A matronym in honour of Laila Nugent, a close friend of the author.
Distribution. Known only from the D'Aguilar Range, near Brisbane.